Saturday, March 19, 2011

Any-Flavor-You-Want Five Minute Pie

So easy and so good! You can choose whatever flavor you like, and add fruit to make it more nutritious and substantial. This recipe uses relatively low-fat, low-sugar ingredients, especially if you choose light Cool Whip and sugar-free Jello. (The sugar-free Jello doesn't mix in as nicely and looks a bit gritty, but tastes the same.)

I made this pie with strawberry jello, vanilla yogurt, and diced strawberries.

1 graham cracker pie crust (a larger size if it's available)
1 single-serving container of yogurt, any flavor
1 small package of Jello
1 container of Cool Whip

Mix the last three ingredients together, add fruit or whatever you want, and spread it in the crust. Let it set in the refrigerator for an hour or so.

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